Sunday, 22 July 2007

Long awaited post

First of all I want to apologise about not posting for a while, I've had a pasting from BlueScouse and Portdeco about it! The last month really has been a bit of a rollercoaster, in all I have deposited jus £10 into poker and banked £70, but at the moment have run out of money so can't play. Basically im using poker as a tool to help me to fund my upcoming uni course and its going alright im pleased how its going, I do aim to make a couple of hundred at least before I go there. On another note I played the Bloggerment tourny 2nite, our Wales team didnt even manage to break the top 10, which is disapointing debut for us, especially as it was only out of 24 and there were 3 of us who I generally think are very good players, it was very tight, but good fun and good ettiquette and I want to play it again soon, and make Wales the champions and to make everyone fear us =) we can all dream....

I will try and deposit if I come into any money and update otherwise I will make a point of updating at least every Sunday even if its not poker related. Even though my life is boring atm haha.

Ok update soon...


Jbwales said...

So close to Top 10. SO CLOSE!!

portdeco20 said...

well done for updating, now do that at least once a week and ur sorted =)